Our Head Boy and Head Girl update!

As you know, Ryan and Saoirse are the new Head Boy and Girl – I am delighted that their successful appointment to the young leaders’ roles has attracted quite an interest from the local media and we may just see them share their stories or ideas in the press in the coming days!

More important than publicity is the clarity of vision and focus. I am pleased to let you know that, following a meeting earlier this month, the Head Boy and Head Girl decided that they would like to support the school on several projects:

  • They will lead on the action plan arising from the Students’ Survey 2017;
  • They will lead the Outdoor Learning Project as part of the Task and Finish Group;
  • They will be the lead student fundraisers for that project, speaking to businesses and organisations which specialise in charitable support for the education sector;
  • They will act as the school’s ambassadors in welcoming any prospective students and their families into the school.

I have absolutely no doubt that they will be simply MAGNIFICENT!

I wish them a very successful months ahead and I am sure you will all join me in supporting them on their leadership journey.