Papua New Guinea – Miss Wong

Our Class Team



Teacher HLTA TA
Katie Wong Sarah Jones Crystal Shen

Contact the teacher at

Our Weekly News

In the boxes below, you can read about our best moments in school.
We are sharing our weekly news every Friday.

Week 23+

This week in PNG we have been continuing with our unit on Our Country and the City. We read an article on how cotton production is linked to the dried up Aral Sea basin. As a class, we reflected on the amount of clothes we own and how that might affect the environment. We have answered questions using SQI model and recapped on how to making an inference using evidence from the text.

In maths, we have recapped on division and moved on to scaling. We solved division questions using 10s and 1s in a visual way to begin with. When we became more confident, we have started to use the bus stop method to solve questions with larger numbers. Some of us have moved on to more challenging questions involving decimal numbers. We have applied our multiplication and division skills on working out questions involving scaling and ratio.

Have a nice half term everyone!

Week 22+

This week the students have been able to return to their timetable after finishing their swimming lessons and have all engaged well in their core subjects and have shown their ability to recall the information they had previously learned. We also picked up on the life skills module around team work and building bridges with Lego,  creating rules for team work and researching jobs to do with engineering. Learning skills to do with building, design and the importance of clear instructions in construction. The class enjoyed making egg in the hole in Food tec and had the opportunity to try Sour dough bread.  As this week was national apprentice week the class have had the opportunity to engage via zoom with a variety of organizations offering apprenticeships and had a Q&A session with the school apprentices gaining valuable information into why people do apprenticeships.

Week 21+

In PNG this week, we have been continuing with our group reading on An Inspector Calls. Each student is taking on a character and some students were doing a great impression for the voices of the characters.

We continued in developing our swimming skills during our swimming sessions. We worked hard in practising on our butterfly style which was quite challenging.

It was Chinese New Year on the 1st Feb and we had the lion dance in school on Wednesday. It was fun to see the lions chewing up lettuces we had given them and spat out on our students to give us good luck for the year.

We tried doing Chinese calligraphy using water and Chinese writing brushes. It was tricky to keep our hands steady, but we did really well considering it was our first attempt.

In maths, we have been looking at word problems involving using time tables. We did well on them, but we still need more practice on questions with missing information.

Some students have been busy producing art work for our class wow wall.

They have been working hard during unstructured time in the past couple of weeks.

Well done!

Week 20+
The students in PNG have enjoyed our swimming sessions this week and it was lovely to see our students improving on their swimming techniques and water confidence.

In maths, we have started looking at unit conversion between different time units and solve problems on the topic.

In English, we continued in comparing and contrasting descriptions and images of rural and urban areas. We applied our knowledge in descriptive writing skills on our own creative writing based on the topic.

Week 19+

We started off this week with a collapsed curriculum day celebrating World Religion Day. We learnt about the six main religions and created a fact file for each. We have also looked at some art designs related to some of the religions such as Mendhi and Islamic ceramic tile designs. In English, we studied a poem called ‘Composed upon Westminster Bridge’ by William Wordsworth. It portrays the quiet and calm atmosphere when Wordsworth crossed Westminster Bridge with his sister Dorothy while travelling in a boat from London to Calaise in 1802. We discussed about the contrast between London in present and London in the 19th century as described in the poem. In science, we continued with our unit on Human Reproductive System. We have looked more closely at the stages of development in human from conception to birth. We have also looked at the biological changes in the human body during puberty. In project, we have moved on from studying various mini-beasts to focussing on the habitats that some mini-beasts live in. We completed a lesson on Glorious Grass and explored the common British grass species and what they provide to our ecosystems. As part of our project lessons, we have visited the World Museum on Thursday to see the bug exhibition. We saw a variety of mini-beasts there and found out some amazing facts about them. We are excited and looking forward to our swimming sessions next week.

Week 18+

This week in PNG, we have been reading extracts from 19th century novels and focused on key contrasts in images of the city and the countryside. We have discussed how the lives of factory workers different to our lives. Through completing comprehension questions we developed inferences linked to contextual ideas.

In maths, we have been continuing with our topic on unit conversion. We have looked at metric units of length, mass and capacity so far.

For our project topic – Beast Creator, we have been focusing on the studying butterflies, moths and dragonflies. We learnt a few of the common species that are around us and a few facts about them:

    • A way to distinguish dragonflies and damselflies is by looking at their wings when they are resting. Dragonflies have their wings spread out whereas damselflies’ wings are closed together while resting.
    • Small White, a common butterfly in Britain, loves cabbages.
    • There are over 2500 species of moths, but there are only 59 species of butterflies in the UK.
Week 17+

It’s been a great start to 2022. In PNG we have been discussing our new year resolutions and goals that we are looking forward to achieving this year.

In maths, we have started a new topic on units and measures. We are applying our skills learnt from the previous term on multiplying and dividing by powers of 10 on unit conversion. Some of us were determined in tackling some challenging worded problems.

For project, we have started to learn about minibeasts. We have looked up some technical terminologies related to the different classes and families of minibeasts as well as their body structures and functions.

In food technology lesson this week, we have worked in small groups, following a simple recipe independently in making a dish called Pleasing Pasta. Some students have brought it home for their families to try.

I would like to welcome Adam, who has joined PNG class this week and settled in really well.

Week 15+

It’s been a festive week this week with lots of Christmas related activities happening every day.

We have been enjoying our KS4 Christmas carousel activities on Wednesday making snow flakes, hot chocolate, Christingles, edible Christmas baubles and marshmallows snowman.

The Christmas dinner was amazing with lots of decorations in the hall. We had fun sharing the jokes from the Christmas crackers.

Two students in PNG have participated in the Christmas talent show and both have given in their 100% effort and demonstrated their musical talent.

Well done to Lewis and Paul!

Week 14+

In PNG this week, we have been looking at practical writing and discussed the differences between facts and opinions. We have had interesting discussions on different topics and used phrases provided to express our views and opinions on the topics. In maths, we continued to practise on written multiplications. Some of the students were able to apply the knowledge they have on long multiplications on multiplications with decimal numbers. We then moved on to solving worded problems involving 2 digit multiplications.

Week 13+

PNG class has enjoyed our KS4 trip to Chiquito this week as part of Hola! Mexico project. The food was lovely and we have all enjoyed the experience of eating out in a restaurant and some of us have had a discussion on table manners.

In maths this week, we have been continuing on the topic of decimal numbers. We have been practising on addition and subtraction of decimals and learnt how to multiply decimal number by powers of 10.

In science, we continued looking at the topic of homeostasis. We have learnt the basics of how our bodies control our body temperature and our water level while recapping on what we have learnt previously on the reflex arc.

We have made some Christmas biscuits in food technology this week.

Some students have demonstrated their creativity by putting their personal touches on the design of the biscuits!

Week 12+

In PNG this week, we have been looking at some punctuation exercises. We have looked at how to use dashes, colons and semi-colons in our writing correctly.

For our reading and understanding, we have been practising on extracting relevant information from comprehensions in answering questions.

We have been continuing on the topic of working with decimal numbers in maths. We did well in recognising the place values of the digits in decimal numbers and have been challenging ourselves in two steps and even multi-steps word problems.

We have started to learn about the body homeostasis regulations in science. We have looked at how we regulate our body temperature and the responses our bodies show when the temperature is too hot or too cold.

Sadly, Ms Murphy has left us last week after 16 years of working at Abbot’s Lea School. She is deeply missed by all of the students in PNG . On the other hand, we welcomed our new TA, Mrs Shen, who joined us this week.

Week 11+

Well done to all the year 11 pupils in PNG class who have been busy doing their mock exams in Maths, English and ICT early this week. You have done so well!

The year 10 pupils have also been busy looking at practical writings in English. We have looked at the structures of an informal letter and wrote a letter to a penpal telling him/her about a recent visit they have made.

We have also looked at the topic of bullying for the anti-bullying week and had a discussion on the topic. In maths, we have been recapping on the topic of number types. We have tried really hard on the murder mystery activity. It was challenging, but it was great fun.

Week 10+

This week has been a very busy but a productive one. We have been celebrating World Science Day with different experiments including how to tell if an egg is fresh and exploring water density. In English we have been studying 19th Century poetry and how to analyse poems, extending our vocabulary and general knowledge. In maths our topic of fractions has extended to looking at multiples and factors, everyone has been trying hard. We had circuit training with Class New Zealand following a Swedish system then a great inclusive football game!

Our class reader Al Capone Does my Shirts has been a real hit with students taking turns to read aloud in class.

Well done everyone, have a great weekend and keep up the hard work! 😊

Week 9+

Well done PNG for a very busy first week back after the Half Term Break.

It was good to see you refreshed and our attendance has been excellent; keep it up!

We welcomed the Ofsted team into our school on Tuesday and although PNG was not officially visited one student was selected to give feedback to the inspectors on his ALS journey to date. As expected, he conducted himself in a way that demonstrated his maturity and ability to speak in formal settings; a great opportunity and life skill.

We have started our new topic Hola Mexico, looking at different Mexican musical performances and festivals then in Food Tech making spicy Mexican pockets.

We have finished our class reader Skellig and had some time to watch the DVD to compare it with the text.

In Science we have been engaged in studying the nervous system and conducted an experiment to test our reflexes. Great team work!

Have a good weekend everyone and well done for your efforts this week 😊

Week 8+

Well done PNG for another week of hard work.

We have been preparing for Halloween party with making some decorations. Thanks KS5 for organising a great event.

We also tackled a very big issue around bullying with open conversation and discussion. Further discussions and tasks were around Racism and Terrorism; huge issues in our world today. As a class you showed maturity and growing awareness. Let’s see how we can take this further.

Our trip to Liverpool Careers Fair at Anfield, gave us food for thought for our futures and exciting things to look forward to.

Happy Holidays everyone, have a well-deserved break 🎃

Week 7+

This week PNG have continued their work on fractions and all are making great progress and showing better understanding.

In English we have been looking at articles related to Black History month and have had some informative class discussions. The class have been learning about food safety and are creating a good understanding around food safety. PNG have been learning about the terminology used when completing forms.

Have a good weekend everyone.

Week 6+

PNG have had a positive week, welcoming some new students to the class from another class in KS4. The 2 new students have settled well and shown a positive attitude to work and staff; well done to you both.

The class have carried on studying fractions in maths working with mixed fractions; recognising them and using them in calculations.

In English we have been working on poetry and using a poem by Benjamin Zephaniah to identify things we like or dislike about it and patterns we could hear. We then had a poet called Nathan come to class. He was an amazing visitor and inspirational speaker and we had a go at writing a collective poem!

LFC Foundation coaches joined us again for a great training session, building stamina, strength, skills and teamwork!

We finished the week celebrating a double birthday in class. Happy Birthdays to Mrs Jones and Mrs Wong 🎂

Enjoy your well-deserved weekend everyone!


Beards are Weird


Having a shave, it’s an aspect of getting older,

Paves the way, to my sexy smoulder.

Your first harvest, difficult letting go

All that work, in making it grow.

The jungle of hair, visually a scare.

Plaiting our beard, shaving, a Nordic nightmare.

Excess yoghurts, cookies and crisps,

Leftover mess that has escaped my lips.

Buried down in the depths they go,

Never to shine and never to show.

A shave, revealing my jawline like a Greek god,

Complimenting, of course, my chiselled, sick bod.

Moisturisers and cream, all part of being groomed

So long dear beard, our relationship is doomed.

Alas, a little more time, to continue this rhyme,

And give my beard a little longer to shine.

But, NOW it is time to go,

I’ll love you forever, my bearded bro!


By PNG October 2021

With help from Nathan Parker

Week 5+

Well done PNG for another great week. You have worked hard and we have covered a lot of learning.

In science we found out about the digestive system, naming the main parts and their function. We continued our work on fractions in maths working on equivalent fractions at different levels. Everyone worked well.

In English we read a discursive text and planned our own written piece based on planets we created. Some great creative minds at work! We used spreadsheets  ICT and visited the library to choose a book to read during “Drope Everything and Read” time.

Have a great weekend everyone

Week 4+

Well done PNG for a great week of learning.

Staff have seen a big improvement in team work and attitudes in and out of class, keep it up. It has been commented on by other staff around school and by the staff from LFC Foundation 👍.

We had an excellent session on Wednesday with LFC Foundation building on fitness, skills and teamwork.

Our project work on Alchemy Island focused on using IT and photo editing. We had brilliant input from Jacob who showed us how to edit the portal pictures taken in school and some students then helped each other develop their editing skills more. Great results!

Everyone has been working hard on using different strategies to solve maths word problems and we have moved on to fractions with the challenge to recognise improper fractions.

Keep up the hard work PNG and have a great weekend


Week 3+

Well done PNG for a great week of learning.

You have been challenged and you have risen to it, completing some excellent work and demonstrating real perseverance when things were tough. You completed more assessments which help staff to gauge progress and next steps. You followed written and verbal instructions and made a very tasty and healthy butternut squash. You rose to the challenge of a 10 minute writing task producing some great examples of narrative structure.

Please take the opportunity to read Paul’s amazing piece.  In science we learned about the circulatory system measuring our blood O2 levels and Mrs Wong did a great job of dissecting a heart. Well done to those who stayed to watch it all and Mrs Wong too ❤️!

In PE we had a great session of multi-sports delivered by LFC Foundation, it really increased our fitness. Thank you!


Have a great weekend everyone!

Week 2+

Well done everyone for a great start to the year.

Everyone has coped really well; coming back to our school routine and settling to work and adapting to KS4 expectations.

We have completed some assessments in Maths, English and PE. These baselines will help you measure your progress this year. No doubt this will be outstanding! We have a lot to look forward to.

Have a great weekend and we’ll see you on Monday,

PNG Team

Amazing recipe made by Kelsie!!

Our poem - Beards are Weird

Having a shave, it’s an aspect of getting older,
Paves the way, to my sexy smoulder.
Your first harvest, difficult letting go
All that work, in making it grow.
The jungle of hair, visually a scare.
Plaiting our beard, shaving, a Nordic nightmare.
Excess yoghurts, cookies and crisps,
Leftover mess that has escaped my lips.
Buried down in the depths they go,
Never to shine and never to show.
A shave, revealing my jawline like a Greek god,
Complimenting, of course, my chiselled, sick bod.
Moisturisers and cream, all part of being groomed
So long dear beard, our relationship is doomed.
Alas, a little more time, to continue this rhyme,
And give my beard a little longer to shine.
But, NOW it is time to go,
I’ll love you forever, my bearded bro!

By PNG October 2021
With help from Nathan Parker


Links to open sessions at Hugh Baird College and Myerscough College for September.

Our Resources

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