How we work

Coverage: Within the Bespoke Curriculum, we support our students in accessing personalised learning activities through a bespoke curriculum tailored towards their interests. Additionally, our classes follow a weekly theme with activities created to provide our students with opportunities to further enhance their education, cultural capital and understanding of the world we live in.



Term 1
Week 2 Getting to Know You
Week 3 Roald Dahl Week
Week 4 Recycling Week
Week 5 Black History Month
Week 6 National Poetry Week
Week 7 World Food Day
Week 8 The Power of Yet
Term 2
Week 9 Bonfire Night and Firework Safety Week
Week 10 Anti-Bullying Week
Week 11 Road Safety Week
Week 12 Saying Sorry
Week 13 Advent
Week 14 Walt Disney Week
Week 15 Christmas
Week 16 Christmas
Term 3
Week 17 New Year and Resolutions
Week 18 Children’s Mental Health Week
Week 19 World Religion Week
Week 20 The Big School Bird Watch Week
Week 21 National Story Telling Week
Week 22 Internet Safety Week
Week 23 Valentine’s Day and Friendships Week
Term 4
Week 24 Fair Trade Fortnight
Week 25 National Science Week
Week 26 Neurodiversity Week
Week 27 Holi Festival
Week 28 World Autism Week
Week 29 Easter
Term 5
Week 30 Drop Everything and Read Week
Week 31 Mental Health Awareness Week
Week 32 National Children’s Week
Week 33 World Sandwich Week
Week 34 Black Lives Matter
Term 6
Week 35 World Environment Week
Week 36 World Photography Week
Week 37 World Rainforest Week
Week 38 World Wellbeing Week
Week 39 Eid Celebrations
Week 40 Transition Week
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