To ensure a smooth and productive school day for all our students, we kindly ask that students
do not bring any personal items to school. We understand that some students may have
certain comfort items, such as blankets or toys, which can help ease their transition into the
school day. Where these items have been approved by the class team, it is always with the
intention of gradually reducing students’ reliance on them.
While we acknowledge the role these items can play in supporting your child’s comfort and
transition, we have observed that such items are increasingly causing issues at the beginning
of the day. Instead of engaging with the learning activities, students are often more focused
on their personal items. This can create distractions not only for the student bringing the item
but also for their peers, affecting the overall classroom environment.
Our goal is to help students build independence and resilience, fostering their ability to adapt
to the school environment without the need for home items. We believe that by reducing
reliance on these comfort items, students will be better able to engage with the learning
opportunities provided and benefit fully from their educational experience.
We appreciate your cooperation and support in this matter.
Thank you for your understanding and partnership in helping create a positive and effective
learning environment for all our students.
Electronic devices, including those with enabled internet access
We understand that many students will wish to access electronic devices on their way to and from school. Equally, for those who travel independently, access to such technology will support them in keeping safe and being able to cope with unforeseen circumstances. However, all such devices must be handed to the class team at the beginning of each day (regardless o the student’s age).
The vast majority of students comply with this safety routine, but where difficulties infrequently occur, families will be contacted to attend site and support their child in the request to hand over these items.
Please note that the school will not accept liability for loss or damage to any items brought
from home.