School Policies

School policies cover most aspects of school life. If you would like to know our policy on something which isn’t listed, please ask the school office at

Please be advised that, where a policy is not enlisted below, the school has not yet localised a policy that is agreed by Liverpool City Council as our overarching umbrella organisation. In such cases, it should be presumed that Abbot’s Lea School adheres to the LCC policy, which can be made available upon request. Governing Body delegates updates to the policies to its committees.

Acceptable Use – Staff

Acceptable Use Students

Accessibility Plan

Administration of Medication


Adoption Scheme – Support Staff

Adoption Scheme – Teachers



Appraisal Policy – Support Staff

Appraisal Policy – Teacher

Apprenticeship Policy

Attendance and Truancy Policy

Capability and Performance – Teachers


CCTV Policy

Charging and Remission

Child Protection

Children with health needs who cannot attend school

Code of Conduct

Complaints Policy

Consultation Protocol

Data Protection

Designated Teacher for LAC and previously LAC

Dignity at Work and Grievance procedure

Disciplinary Policy

Drug and Alcohol Policy

Early Years Foundation Stage EYFS


English Protocol



Public Sector Equality Duty-Statement

Feedback Assessment and Marking Policy

First Aid

Flexible Working Policy and Procedure

Grievance Policy

Health and Safety

HR Strategy

Instrument of Governance

Intimate Care Policy

Letting Policy

Long Service Award Policy

Managing abusive or violent visitors

Menopause Policy

Mobile internet devices protocol

Pay Policy

Principles of handwriting Development


Positive Behaviour Support Policy and Principles

Premises Management

Public Sector Equality Duty-Statement

RSE Policy 2023-24

Safer Recruitment Policy

School Pay Policy 2023

School Uniform Policy

Social Media Policy

Special Educational Needs and Disabilities SEND

Staff Attendance Policy

Staff Dress Code Policy

Staffing Review Policy and Procedure

Support Staff Capability and Performance Policy and Procedure

Supporting Children with Health Needs who cannot attend School

Suspension and Permanent Exclusion Guidance

Teaching and Learning

Teacher Appraisal Policy

Teacher Capability Policy

Travel and Expenses

Volunteer Protocol

Whistleblowing Policy

Word Processing Statement

Young Carers

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