Events/Term Dates

School Year 2023-24 

Term Dates 2023-24

Term 6 Key Diary Dates

School Year 2024-25

Term dates 2024-25

Term 1 Key Diary Dates: 2024-25 Term 1 Key Diary Dates

School Opening hours:

Students school day starts at 9:00am and ends at 3:00pm. This equates to 42hours per week.

Open Evening (for prospective families):

ALS 2023-24 Open Evening

Next Open Evenings:

Monday, 29 April 2024 (3:30-4:30pm)

Monday, 17 June 2024 (3:30-4:30pm)

Please contact to book your visit.

Swimming Timetable

Swimming Timetable 2024


Click below to find out more about the virtual workshops and events, which are free to join and organised specially for families of children with SEND

Family Coffee Morning+

Family Training Schedule+

Term 1

Date: 4 October 2022
Session: Working with and for Families – Introduction to our Family Support Programme
Speaker: Emily Tobin, Alison Twomey, Claire Welch, Dr Sara Mursic

Term 2

Date: 22 November 2022
Session: Routines and Dealing with Change
Speaker: Multidisciplinary Team

Term 3

Date: 17 January 2022
Session: Puberty, Relationships and Sexuality
Speaker: Dr Sara Mursic, Olivia Izzo and a guest speaker

Term 4

Date: 14 March (on-site training 10am-1pm)
Behaviour as Communication
Trainers: Dr Sara Mursic, Alison Twomey and Claire Welch

Term 5

Date: 9 May 2022
Session: Autism and Girls
Speakers: Michelle Blake, Mica Jayne Coleman Jones

Term 6

Date: 13 June 2022
Session: Sports activities and leisure
Speaker: TBC

School Fairs+

Christmas Fair

Friday, 2 December 12noon-2pm

Summer Fair

Saturday, 1 July 2023

Research Café events+

18 October 2022 2pm-3pm
Music Education
Dr Anna Mariguddi

8 November 2022 2pm-3pm
Creative Therapeutic Opportunities Outdoors
Dr Zoe Moula and Megan McGee

1 February 2023 2pm-3pm
Voices of Inclusion
Dr Clare Woolhouse

28 March 2023

23 May 2023

27 June 2023
Abbot’s Lea School Research Showcase


You may find that some events are not marked on their official dates. This is due to weekends, holidays and other events in school.

Where students do not wish to engage with specific celebrations, this will always be accommodated and alternative activities will be provided.

Term 1+

13 September Roald Dahl Story Day
16 September National Teaching Assistants’ Day
21-27 September Recycling Week
22 September National Fitness Day
27 September European Day of Languages
Month of October ADHD Awareness Month
4 October World Dyslexia Awareness Day
5 October World Teachers Day
7 October National Poetry Day
11 October World Mental Health Day
15 October World Food Day
Last week of term Halloween party and other activities

Term 2+

1 – 7 November UK Parliament Week
5 November Bonfire Night
10 November World Science Day
11 November Remembrance Day
11-15 November Anti-bullying week
12 November Children in Need
16-20 November Road Safety week
15-19 November World Nursery Rhyme Week
December Advent and Christmas

Term 3+

17 January World Religion Day
21 January National Reading Day
W/C30 January National Storytelling Week
3 February Time to Talk day
W/C 8 February
(2022 TBC) National Apprenticeship Week
1 February Chinese New Year
8 February Safer Internet Day
14 February Valentine’s Day

Term 4+

28 February/
13 March Fairtrade Fortnight
1 March Pancake Day (Shrove Tuesday)
10 March Global Scouse Day
W/C 1 March National Careers Week
4 March World Book Day
W/C 5 March World Science Week
11 March World Maths Day
12 March Mothering Day
15 – 21 March Neurodiversity Week
16 March Young Carers Awareness Day
18 March Global Recycling Day
19 March Comic Relief
21 March World Oral health day
21 March World Poetry Day
Week of 12 April World Theatre day
Week commencing Monday 12 April World Autism Awareness Day (and week)

Term 5+

7 May VE day
7 May NSPCC Number Day
20 May Outdoor Classroom Day
W/C 10 May Mental Health Awareness Week
W/C 16 May British Sandwich week

Term 6+

6 June World Environment Day
7 June Tourette’s Awareness Day
17 June Autistic Pride Day
w/c Monday 14 June Fathers’ Day
21 June World Music Day
23 June National Writing Day

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