Relationships, Health and Sex Education
As part of our PSHE provision to pupils, we deliver a comprehensive Relationships and Health Education curriculum. We ensure that all statutory objectives are adequately covered so that all children learn about different relationships, different families, physical/mental health and wellbeing and staying safe. Children will also learn about puberty and their changing bodies.
Families do not have the right to withdraw their children from lessons that cover statutory Relationships and Health Education objectives. Equally, they are unable to withdraw their child from lessons that cover national curriculum science objectives. This includes all the information on puberty and how the human body changes.
In line with best practice, we also deliver supplementary Sex Education content. These lessons include learning about human reproduction and sexual relationships. Families do have the right to withdraw their child from lessons covering this non-statutory content. However, we would urge any families considering withdrawing their child from these lessons to consider what is being taught, how it is being taught and how important this education is for all children. Primary Sex Education ensures children have the knowledge to keep them safe and prepares them for statutory Sex Education in KS3.
Our Relationships, Health and Sex Education is fully inclusive to meet the needs of all our pupils. We fully believe that all children should learn about these important life skills in an open, honest and safe environment. We also believe that they should be taught in an age-appropriate and engaging way. We encourage families to view our Relationships and Sex Education Policy and scheme of work.
RSE Policy:
RSE Scheme of Work:
We believe it is important to have a strong partnership with families. Therefore, if you feel it would be beneficial for the class team to provide any further reading or support to any families wishing to discuss the objectives taught with their children at home, please do not hesitate to ask your class team.
Any children who are withdrawn from lessons covering non-statutory content will be provided with alternative learning in another learning space. You can make the request to withdraw your child by contacting Mrs Tobin, Deputy Headteacher:
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