Yesterday (9 May), we held an online training session exploring the topic of autism and gender, with a particular focus on how to better support autistic girls in school. The session was delivered by our Head of Autism Research and Development, Dr Sara Mursic, and her guest speaker, Mica Coleman Jones, who brought her personal, professional, and academic perspectives to the discussion.
It is widely recognised that many autistic girls face barriers to diagnosis and support, often going unnoticed or misunderstood by their families, educators, and peers. This is due, in part, to the fact that diagnostic criteria for autism have historically been based on male presentations of the condition, and as a result, the signs and symptoms of autism in girls have often been overlooked.
During the session, we explored the unique experiences of autistic girls, including their strengths and contributions, and discussed strategies for identifying, supporting and celebrating them. Mica shared her own experiences as an autistic woman, as well as her professional work in this area. She highlighted the importance of creating safe and inclusive learning environments that recognise and value the strengths of autistic girls, while also providing the necessary support to help them thrive.
One key takeaway from the session was the importance of raising awareness and understanding of autism and gender among educators, parents, and peers. By being better informed and equipped to recognise the unique autism experiences in girls, we can help to ensure that they receive the support and accommodations they need to enjoy and succeed in school and beyond.
We are pleased to share the recording of the session with our school community, and we hope that it will serve as a valuable resource for educators and families alike. We encourage you to watch the video, share it with others, and continue the conversation about how we can better support autistic girls in our school community.
Thank you to Mica Coleman Jones for sharing her insights and expertise with us, and to all those who attended the session. We look forward to continuing to work together to create a more inclusive and supportive learning environment for all students.
Please find the recording of the session below.
You can also view the slides used for the presentation or contact Dr Mursic directly if you have any additional questions.